The Liebster Blog Award

A few weeks ago, a writer entered my life via this blog. Her writing journey, her goals, challenges and aspirations so closely mirror my own that I feel this solitary pursuit is neither as quixotic nor as lonely as it sometimes...very often...seems. Her name is Edith, she is a beautiful, inspiring writer and I encourage you to explore her exceptional blog In a Room of My Own I am so proud to have been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award by Edith. The Liebster recognizes new bloggers "worth watching." The sweet thing is, if you accept the nomination, you are an award winner. Ah, if only the writing life were as rewarding and as simple!

Edith wrote  "Julie Christine Johnson blogs about writing, books and her sources of inspiration at Chalk the Sun. Be sure to check her blog out and enjoy basking in the lyrical beauty of her search for the truly perfect sentence."  So gracious, Edith- and so cool!!

Being a recipient of the award allows me the pleasure of nominating and awarding other blogs I think are worth watching.


I present you three blogs created by writers I learn from, am inspired by and whose work I think is worthy of many followers and great accolades:

Practice Makes Better  Dawn is a Seattle writer who chronicles her journey to an MFA program, her reading project and, very bravely, the heartbreak and hilarity of rejection on her smart blog.  Élan Karpinski's blog is a forum for creativity, setting goals and practicing compassion. Her writing flows with positive energy and determination.

Civil War Writer Virginia Wood is writing a novel based on her ancestors' experiences during the Civil War. Her blog is beautifully presented; I can't wait to read the story she is crafting.

There are 5 rules attached to this award:

1. If you are nominated for the award and accept it, then you have won!

2. Link back to the person who presented the award to you.

3. Nominate 3-5 blogs with less than 200 followers who you feel deserve the award.

4. Let the nominees know by leaving a comment on their blog.

5. Attach the Liebster award badge to your site.

Thank you, Edith, for finding me in the cacophony of the blogosphere; your generous spirit compels me to reach out and support other writers. We all benefit from the conversation!